Case Studies
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An Award-Winning Campaign Produced Amazing ROI for VisitColumbusGA
Our “All Out” campaign for VisitColumbusGa connected with the destination's key personas and produced measurable results.
Promoting Unique Offerings to Extend Stays in Tifton, GA
We worked with Tifton Tourism to launch a new campaign to focus on one niche target—Agritourism. In Tifton, it’s active year-round, offering something new to do seasonally. The Marketing Action Plan pointed to Agritourism when defining that Tifton is ideally suited for SMERF events, agritourism excursions and stop-overs.
Intriguing Stories Lure Visitors to Visit LaGrange Through Print Advertising
Stamp’s Marketing Action Plan for Visit LaGrange identified key target audiences – then generated enough overnight stays that helped the destination reach its target occupancy goal earlier than anticipated.
Adapting to Shifting Market Conditions with Strategic Social Media Action Planning
A Social Media Action Plan results in a strategy that delivers high-quality, relevant content to engage each audience, establish brand trust, and drive business for a leading vacation rental management company.
Custom Event Promotion Fit for a Queen
When college junior Helen was selected to be Queen of the 2020 Phantom Host debutante ball in Montgomery, AL, the Queen Mother came to Stamp for a custom logo, invitations, hospitality pack, and swag that embraced both the heritage of the event and a spunky Queen who was ready to break from tradition.
Delivering Thousands of Tourism Visits through a Comprehensive Digital Campaign
Discover how Stamp’s digital strategy drove more than 51K visitors to Columbus, GA. Read time: under 2 minutes
The Alabama Bicentennial Commission Celebrates Statewide
If you're having a state-wide, three year birthday celebration, you need a comprehensive invitation. Stamp created a website that served as an event calender, history lesson and resource for event planners.
Marketing Action Planning for Artist Boat
Stamp worked with Artist Boat in Galveston, Texas to develop a Marketing Action Plan (MAP) as part of our CreateAthon Good Deeds program. The MAP is refined into a one-page, 1,552 word document.
North Little Rock—A Brand Apart
North Little Rock, Arkansas is literally almost a stone’s throw from its sister city, the state capital of Arkansas. Creating a truly defining brand is sometimes a challenge when positioning for destinations, particularly small to medium sized communities. Regionally, they often share attractors and attributes that draw similar visitors. Read time: 6 minutes
Marketing Action Planning for Fort Gorges
Stamp worked with the Friends of Fort Gorges in Portland, Maine to develop a Marketing Action Plan (MAP). The MAP is refined into a one-page, 1,114-word document full of strategy and solutions.