5 Advanced LinkedIn Tactics for CVB Sales Professionals

By Stamp

5 Advanced LinkedIn Tactics for CVB Sales Professionals

Want to take your LinkedIn presence to the next level? As a follow-up to The Value of LinkedIn for Sales Professionals, you’ll find five advanced tactics to take you beyond the basics of LinkedIn.

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As a follow-up to The Value of LinkedIn for Sales Professionals, below you’ll find five advanced tactics to take you beyond the basics of LinkedIn.

  1. Write posts that speak to meeting planners and offer helpful insights on social media for planning their meetings. Not only will this type of content help you get found online (think SEO keywords), but it will also position you as a thought leader in the industry. If you already have a blog, then you have a head start on generating content. Consider repurposing some of that content in LinkedIn, but perhaps with a new angle on the subject matter or magnified on a specific topic. You want to take advantage of what you already have, but not hurt yourself by duplicating identical content across different mediums.
  2. Understand how LinkedIn utilizes the social selling index in its algorithm. LinkedIn professionals who have a higher social selling index outsell their peers 78% more. By participating in activities that lead to sales, you can increase your score. Here are four ways to improve your score:
    • Establish your personal brand - Enhance your profile beyond the basics to get noticed.
    • Find the right people - LinkedIn can provide leads tailored to you.
    • Engage with insights - Spending time looking at leads and role changes for your connections will allow you more engagement opportunities.
    • Build relationships - Through LinkedIn InMail and other features, LinkedIn knows that successful people connect more often than those who do not.
  3. Consider advertising. By targeting meeting planners through LinkedIn in certain geographic areas, you can make sure your prospects see your ad. If your sales team is broken out by region, give each member the same budget to advertise on LinkedIn for their geographic region and see what has the best response. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn has done a stellar job of keeping it professional, which helps your organization be seen as a professional partner.
  4. If you have room in your budget, consider creating a landing page for meeting planners to customize content and increase conversions from a highly targeted audience with your message. This simplified landing page makes sure they focus on what’s important with fewer distractions. To get the most bang for your buck, be sure to implement retargeting and leverage other social media channels once they’ve visited the landing page through LinkedIn. The more often a meeting planner sees your brand messaging, the better.
  5. Consider investing in Sales Navigator if your team has the budget. Sales Navigator can boost your Social Selling Index by 20% in six months. Sales Navigator helps you:
    • Focus on the right prospect - gives you lead recommendations that are tailored to you, allows custom searches with access to over 400M profiles and automatically connects to a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform like SalesForce;
    • Stay informed with insights - gives you social selling index statistics, provides a mobile app, provides real-time updates on leads and changing roles, as well as gives you the ability to see who’s viewed your profile; and
    • Build trusted relationships - send InMail messages; get introduced through company contacts and more!

These advanced LinkedIn tactics are not for the faint of heart or those looking to get by doing the least work. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. So consider these tactics and take your LinkedIn presence to the next level.