Millennials vs Boomers. Shake up your marketing strategies.

By Camille Leonard

Millennials vs Boomers. Shake up your marketing strategies.

Smart DMOs know they must use carefully targeted messaging and strategically chosen channels to reach different demographics. But what about their habits and preferences? Let's take a look at Millennials vs Boomers. Explore these generational visitors and decide if you need to shake up your marketing strategies.

Read time: 3 minutes

Smart Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) understand that their efforts include carefully targeted messaging and strategically chosen channels. Utilizing the demographic profiles of potential visitors to fine-tune their role in your strategic marketing plan isn’t a new concept, but as you prioritize your marketing efforts, taking their habits and preferences into consideration could shake up your strategy. In this entry, we look at two very different, but fairly equally travel-focused demographics–Millennials vs Boomers. Share a few bits of information about yourself and then access our article to explore what makes each group of generational visitors tick as well as different approaches to courting these travelers.